I feel ecstatic, The day began with me waking up to my alarm at 8am. I roll over feeling sick and nauseous, push the snooze button and hug my pillow tight. Eventually I get up and look at my timetable and realize university doesnt start till next week. rad. So off I go crawling back into bed with Zodiac playing on my small television, I finally get a call from Tom at noon telling me to get up and get on with my day, so I do.
It takes me till half past three before I've left the house, but there I am with a rucksack and my camera bag, filled with my diana+, my canon SLR and my analog canon. I'm ready to do some work!
Tom meets me outside the launderette in East Barnet Village, and I point and show him the two old gentlemen sitting in there. I had previously entered to find them eating chicken and looking rather mentally unstable to say the least, I quickly turned around and ran out of the shop. Tom just laughed at me as I sort of whimpered and suggested that we try the other dry cleaners which have an orange set of washing machines...
We arrive and its owned by some woman, which immediately makes me nervous, I don't want to start taking photos of her shop..and I didnt really want to ask permission. I don't find the idea relaxing, some woman standing over me watching me take photos. I'd do a hurried few shots, that wouldn't of been worth the effort.
So I decide we walk back to the other launderettes and see if the old boys have bogged off. And they had! so I went in and just spent a good hour or so taking photos whilst Tom drew. I just loved the feeling of getting out and doing something, being productive; sitting here talking about it makes me feel even more so. I'm proud of myself I suppose.
So we finished up, thinking that it would be cool to come back later when it was dark and take a few more. But it gets dark at around 7.30pm and it would of been closed by then. So we decided to go have a meal at the Bell ( my local pub) we met up with Hannah and her friend Danielle, stopping off first at the Party Shop, and flicking through the folders trying to find something suitable for Bang Face. Obviously we didn't and instead decided that buying a detectives badge and plastic gun for DI BEAVE would be more fun.
We get to the pub, have a laugh with Hannah, and sit down to a kenny dinner, of beer and burger with onion rings. miam.
Then I head off in the car with Tino, Beth and Hannah, whilst Tom has his lesson for his animation class.
I buy 6 becks and sit at Adam's for a while, then by 10.30 I'm walking back to Tom and sitting in his room with him, pouring out my heart as usual, but it always makes me happy. Tom always sorts me out, I know that as long as I have Tom close then all is going to be okay. Like he keeps saying ''Can't you just be happy in the company of your friends''. And I know I can, as long as he's there of course.
So the first picture is of his room, I'm sitting at his desk. ( I thought I wouldn't bore you with more pictures of washing machines and put up some more personal things)
The second is one of the Siamese twin cats ( they're not joined, aha) but she follows me all the time on my walks to university and sometimes I bump into her on the way home. I couldn't get her to face the camera, so instead you get a nice shot of the back of her head ( her fur is gorgeous though)
And the third is of the Silver Birch tree outside my house that I can see from my bedroom window. I love the white bark, the way you can peel it and it seperates into thin papery plates.
Listening to: The Pixies