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I truly love this man, from the moment I first watched Fight Club my love began from that moment. Hearing about the fact Fight Club was indeed an adaptation of a book, straight away I ran to my local bookstore and I remember picking up Fight Club from his collection on the bookshelf and flicking through the chapters, and reading line by line and being immediately mesmerized by his words, his books almost written as poetry. And the love still hasn't stopped and it never will, he is a genius in my eyes. One day I will finish his collection and I think at that moment I will be complete; he is an incredible author, someone I am jealous of but so glad exists, and his dark imagination is for some reason so uplifting to me, so moving to me. I enjoyed Choke more than Fight Club and Haunted was well, haunting but yet so beautifully breathtaking. I take satisfaction in the fact I was able to find him at a young age and study and appreciate his work for the rest of my life. One day I hope I will get the chance to be at one of his readings and shake his hand and look into his eyes and well up like the nerd that I am.
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