I thought I'd show you, some small things that mean a lot to me. Firstly my cat, Georgie. If you know me, you'll know how obsessed I am with cats...kitty kitty kitty meow meow meow. Anyway this cat, she's an odd one, she always was as a kitten. Jumping on my back and letting me carry her everywhere just resting on my shoulder. She loves attention, most cats are independent but this cat wants to be wherever I am, she watches me pee, take a shower, eat my breakfast and my dinner she even sleeps next to me or on my head if Im unlucky. I love her smell, if Ive had a long day or I've been crying my heart out, I just rest my head on her and listen to her heartbeat and smell her catty smell. hehe I am weird I know..
The other thing I am thinking about a lot, is my collection of Native American Turquoise...okay its not a collection, I really want a collection though. I guess my dream in life is to collect as many things as possible. This includes, comics, films, Chuck Palahniuk books, figurines from movies and comics, jewelry. stones, vintage film posters and artwork, fairy lights, doc marten boots, Hummel shoes, a collection rare breeds of cats and a few chihuahuas would be nice. also some rats and octopus statues and artwork.. The most perfect gift I could receive is someone picking out just the right type of stone. I only have two rings of this turquoise, I think one is Persian Turquoise to be precise. But anyway, I'm looking forward to buying a necklace off of Etsy! my very mostest favourite website for handmade and artsy things. I wish I could own everything on that site.
What else have I done. Oh its happy mothers day, I bought my mum some flowers and a card. She was really happy as her flowers had died earlier yesterday morning, so she was happy with her replacements. I've rented a couple of films from work, the film.. Adam (Max Mayer, 2009, USA ) its about a young man with Aspergers syndrome and a young woman who falls in love with him . Another little something to keep my brain occupied. I had some messed up sleep last night. I went to bed at 4pm, yes early I know. I had a bit of a late one, that means I didn't go home till 2pm the next day...ha
but yeah, so I slept from Saturday at 4pm, till Sunday at 11am. Ha I had some very fucked up sleep though, with lots of sweating out and odd dreams. I wont go into them, they were very dark. Stuff I only dream about when I'm really bothered by something, and I haven't sorted it out. Anyway working at the rental store for a few hours, reading some of my book and eating dinner with my family always seems to settle my crazy thoughts...

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